Clarius White light illuminators showing us the way.

The Clarius white light illuminator has primarily been developed to compliment CCTV installations and of course they do this job very well indeed. Built to last and made to the very highest specification the Clarius range of illuminators are popular among the security community.

The Clarius white light illuminator is more than just a CCTV accessory . White lighting has been deployed for many purposes and not just for security. Halogen has gone seriously out of fashion and companies and individuals alike are moving over to LED lighting rather than unreliable expensive and lets face it environmentally unfriendly 500watt open floodlights.

Now cost of course is a consideration and in the foreseeable future Halogen will remain a cheaper option for the comparable WLI product. However as attitudes change and price short term becomes less important in favour of long term reliability and reduced electricity consumption  Clarius white light illuminators will continue to grow in popularity.

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