Emerging Video Technologies – IP Cameras (Standard Definition) Pt2

Taken from the ‘Emerging Video Surveillance Guide 2010’ from http://ipvideomarket.info/

Potential Benefits: The most important advantage of using IP cameras is the ability to directly connect these cameras to an IP or computer network. By contrast, analogue cameras require the use of an additional computer (usuall either an encoder or DVR). In certain scenarios, using IP networks can significantly reduce the cost of installation. In general, the greater the distance that video needs to be transmitted, the more likely IP cameras will be beneficial.

Remote viewing of video, though generally marketed as a benefit of IP cameras, is really not an advantage compared to many of today’s DVRs. Whether one uses analogue cameras and DVRs or IP cameras, video can still be viewed remotely with only minor technical differences.

COST: IP cameras usually cost 30-70% more than equivalent analogue cameras. These costs are often more than off-set in larger scale systems or when the cameras must stream video over great distances

  • End User Risks: While the technology is fairly mature, the main risk lies in operational / integration issues. Risk no.1 is that existing recorders do not support IP cameras or only support a very limited type of IP cameras. Risk 2 isthat the existing IP network in one’s facility is insufficient to handle the IP cameras through lack of bandwidth (although, this risk is rather easy to overcome in most situations)
  • Installer Risks: Lack of technical skills on an Installer’s existing staff is the strongest risk to deploying IP cameras. With traditional electronic security systems, an installer may find it sufficient to have only 1 or 2 highly trained IT Technicians (out of a staff of 10-30). However, with IP cameras, a far greater percentage will require IT skilss to conduct even the most basic installation / service activities.

What are your opinons??!