External security systems.Perimeter protection

External security has been on the rise for the last 25 years. A discipline that was previously only seen in high security and military installations is now common place. Used in garages, compounds, garden centres, quarries and so on,everyone wants to know before an intruder can do any damage.

So what is the best detection device? Well, a mixture of different technologies can work. PIRs external fixed beams and cameras using enhanced analytics to name a few. Geoquip guard wire and other external listening devices are also effective against the intruders.

Thermal Metal Mickey
Metal MIC

We however believe that the ultimate solution is now becoming an affordable option .Thermal CCTV is pretty much full proof technology one that gives an image that can be used day and night even in total darkness. It cant be defeated by fog and intelligent analytics integrated with the thermal CCTV camera mean nothing is missed.

Cost of course is a factor but one thermal camera can realistically see up to 750 metres meaning it far out performs even the best active beams on the market and the installation time and cabling costs are drastically reduced.

Thermal CCTV will become as common as PIRs are today over the next ten to fifteen years and as the prices become more affordable it will change the way we install external security and protect our perimeters.

The poor old intruder has finally met his match.

Perimeter Security CCTV Cameras

Perimeter security camera.

Perimeter security has long been open to debate. Whats the best security solution to spend your money on? Lets face it for an intruder to get onto most sites they tend to pick the weakest  point . Often this is an area that is dark and difficult to patrol. Many methods exist to protect your boundaries . PIR sensors, often long range ones or maybe fixed beams? Vibration detectors buried under the ground have been used in the past to, also  Dome cameras driven by sensors are a popular solution. NOW however the most effective method to protect a perimeter is probably using a fixed camera complete with IR lighting and we have an additional tool to help us. This is analytics.


The Bosch ZX 55 has been especially designed for this purpose. A well built piece of kit with a range of up to 300m. It comes together With a powerful integrated IR lighting system and is equipped with a 9-90mm lens. It certainly has all the tools requied for detection. However there is also an IP version vital to integrate into future CCTV software recording solutions. It is also the IP solution that gives the added benefit of analytics to help with the detection element that is so important  to ensure that the intruder is intecepted.


It must be remembered that perimeter protection always comes with a price , not so much because of the equipment , but civil works, CCTV towers and the large amount of cable being required can put the price up. It is therefore crucial that the right solution is  well thought through and correctly specified because many companies rue the day when they thought that a cheap option would do!


Think long and hard about external security, it can be a minefield if the design at the first stage is poorly concieved. Expert advice is very important and we have over 20 years in this particular field. So if you need feedback or advice on this subject we will be happy to help.

CCTV Analytics

Why will analytics be such a huge step forward for CCTV?

Analytics is an advanced form of video motion detection that uses
Software algorithms in order to generate alarms when certain
conditions and scenarios occur within the field of view of the camera.
For example if a person is seen to be loitering in area for a length
of time that has been deemed inappropriate then the software can
recognise this fact and trip an alarm to notify an operator. It can
also notify when an area is violated by a person but is adaptable
enough to realize the difference between a human and a cat for instance.
How does this help the operator?

In the case where a guard is looking at multiple views over a
prolonged period of time he will inevitably need help. Analytics is
able to provide reliable alarms to notify him of a situation that is
occurring that he needs to know about, so when we have a manned system
the benefits are obvious.
Analytic alarm systems.

However more importantly we can use the analytics to generate alarms
to trip automated alarm sounders and warning voices and also notify a
remote guard that he may need to attend site.
This removes the need for a man on site and this means cost savings can be huge, sometimes tens or even hundreds of thousands of pounds a year. This has driven the market and now some very big organizations are now involved in the development and promotion of this technology.
So effective are analytics going to be in the future that external alarm sensors and fixed beams could soon be a thing of the past.

Applications also include perimeter protection, object abandonment,
person or object tracking. Colour recogniton, people counting, speeding
What about old camera systems?

Analytics can easily be fitted to existing CCTV systems and the
advantage of fitting analytics to old camera systems is we can then
make ineffective old technology suddenly intelligent .The experts see
that fitting analytics retrospectively is a massive market place and an
alternative to a complete upgrade of some older systems out there.It
is important however to point out that the analytics can only be as
good as the picture they are trying to analyse so people must be
realistic with their expectations. Lighting at night is also another
crucial factor to consider, remember analytics can’t work in the dark
so duel chip cameras and IR lighting are important things to bring
into the equation.
So next time you consider upgrading , reducing costs or generally
making more of your CCTV systems ask us here for advice on how we can
help you.